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Podiatrist Foot & Ankle Surgeon & Diabetic Foot Care Specialist located in West Covina, Los Angeles, CA

Bunions services offered in West Covina, Los Angeles, CA

Up to one-third of Americans have bunions, a common structural abnormality that causes foot pain and mobility issues. At Step By Step Foot and Ankle Center, in West Covina, California, experienced podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Artin Shakhbandaryan, DPM, specializes in treating bunions with conservative, cutting-edge surgical techniques. Call the nearest Step By Step Foot and Ankle Center office today to schedule treatment for bunions, or book your appointment online.

Bunions Q&A

Do bunions cause a bump to form on the outside edge of the big toe?

Yes. Bunions form when the bones at the front of your foot change position, causing your big toe joint to bulge outward. Wearing tight shoes or having an abnormal walking pattern can exacerbate the problem, resulting in swelling, pain, and mobility loss. 

No two people experience bunions the same way. Dr. Shakhbandaryan takes a personalized treatment approach tailored to your unique symptoms and needs.

What are the symptoms of bunions?

Bunion symptoms include the following:

  • Big toe numbness
  • Hammertoes (a toe that stays bent at the joint)
  • Corns, calluses, or blisters on top of the big toe
  • Difficulty wearing certain shoes
  • Inability to bend the big toe

As the bunion grows, you might have difficulty standing, walking, or exercising.

How does a podiatrist diagnose bunions?

Dr. Shakhbandaryan reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines your big toe and big toe joint. He checks your skin for redness and swelling, gently presses on your toe to identify sensitive areas, and assesses your big toe joint’s range of motion. 

Bunions are easy to identify, but Dr. Shakhbandaryan might order X-rays to assess the alignment of the bones in the front of your foot. 

How are bunions managed or treated?

At Step By Step Foot and Ankle Center, Dr. Shakhbandaryan offers conservative and surgical treatment for bunions. Depending on your symptoms and their effect on your mobility, he might suggest:

  • Custom orthotics
  • Bunion pads and taping
  • Wearing shoes with wide, deep toe boxes
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medication
  • Icing the bunion
  • Physical therapy
  • Corticosteroid injections

If you have difficulty walking and conservative treatments don’t provide relief, Dr. Shakhbandaryan recommends surgery, like a bunionectomy. A bunionectomy is an advanced surgical technique that realigns the bones at the front of your foot, returning your big toe joint to its original position.

Is there a way to reduce my risk of bunions?

Wear supportive shoes that provide room for your toes to prevent bunions from forming. Generally speaking, buying shoes with soft soles and a wide-toe box is a good idea. Don’t wear high heels or similar shoes that crowd your toes when possible.

Call the nearest Step By Step Foot and Ankle Center office today to schedule a bunion consultation, or book your appointment online.